Aidan's Legacy Keeps the Local Community Safer
By East Brandywine Fire Company
February 1, 2013

On the evening of Wednesday January 23rd East Brandywine Fire Company received a very special donation.

Fire Chief John Edwards, accepted an AED on behalf of the Company donated by Steve and Christy Silva to be placed in the Command Vehicle.

Steve and Christy have made it their mission to increase the number of AED's in the community to specifically be used in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, with a special emphasis on pediatrics.

You may wonder why this mission is so important to Steve and Christy? They are creating a legacy for their son Aidan who passed away on September 4th 2010 at the age of 7 years old. Past Chief Joe Edwards was first on scene in the Command Vehicle and initiated CPR. At that time the Command Vehicle was not equipped with an AED.

Steve and Christy have created a non-profit organization called Aidan's Heart Foundation. This Foundation has two main goals; increasing kids heart screening and increasing AED's in the community.

The night the donation was made to East Brandywine Fire Company, training was being conducted at the Firehouse for EBYA coaches on AED usage. Steve and Christy in partnership with EBYA placed multiple AED's at East Brandywine Park and Spatola Field.

The Officers and Members would like to thank Steve and Christy for their dedication and commitment to such an important cause. Additionally they would like to acknowledge Aidan's legacy and his impact on other kids in our local community. They are safer today as a result of him!

Lastly thank-you to Chip Miller from Cardiac Science for providing the AED training to the EBYA coaching staff.