Big Turnout despite weather for Open House
By East Brandywine Fire Company
October 16, 2019

This past Wednesday October 16th the volunteers of East Brandywine Fire Company had our annual open house. The weather was far from perfect as it started raining mid-day and didn't seem like it was going to let up in time for the start. But we got lucky and right around 6pm the rain started to move out and the members scrambled to move things around so that we could have more displays and fun outside.

The event started at 6:30pm and by 6:40 we already had a packed house. It was clear that the rain was not going to keep everyone away. Guests were able to go through a small smoke house and see what it was like to drag a dummy across the engine bay floor. The apparatus was also on display for everyone to look at. We had special guests from East Brandywine Police Department, Chester County Emergency Services and Hopewell Pharmacy.

Kids and Adults could also see some of our equipment on display inside the firehouse like some of our extrication equipment, a thermal imaging camera and much more. We also had a brand new set of gear we just recently purchased on display for everyone to see. And lets not forget all the fire prevention items that kids could get along with some free food and drink.

Around 7pm everyone gathered in the hall and got to see some special friends, Freddie, Sparky and Ax our 10ft Firemen. The children in attendance got to show their parents what they learned during our visits to their schools as well.

The evening was topped off with a vehicle rescue demonstration out back.

In all we estimate we had about 400 visitors come through the firehouse. We hope you all had an amazing time and come back again.

Special Thanks to East Brandywine Police, Hopewell Pharmacy and Chester County Emergency Services for attending as well.