Santa Makes an Early Visit to Station 49
By East Brandywine Fire Company
December 14, 2014

On Saturday December 13th East Brandywine Fire Company volunteers, held their annual Breakfast with Santa. Almost 400 residents jammed the Banquet Hall to enjoy the festivities, and as usual they were not disappointed.

According to many of the attendees the day could not have been more perfect, a great breakfast followed by a visit from Santa himself. Following their visit with Santa each child also received a small gift.

The Officers would like to thank all of the Volunteers who made this day so meaningful. Also special thanks goes out to Caitlin D'Amico for coordinating the event.

Lastly, all of the Officers and Members of East Brandywine Fire Company would like to acknowledge former Pepperidge Farm employee Bill Hoeflich. Pepperidge Farm donated Santa's Workshop to the Fire Company a few years ago and Bill was the workshop's chief architect and builder. The workshop is nearly 60 years old, and has made memories for countless children. Bill thank-you, your legacy will go on and childhood memories will continue to be made.