Company Supports the Chester County Fire Chiefs Association Golf Outing
By East Brandywine Fire Company
April 19, 2016

On Monday April 18th, Chester County Fire Chiefs Association held their 1st Annual Golf Outing at the Applecross Country Club, located in East Brandywine Township. The Officers and Members of East Brandywine Fire Company proudly supported the event

Over 100 golfers participated in the outing, which was remarkable given the fact that this was a first for the Chiefs Association. The success of this outing is really a testament to the hard work put forth by the organizers, John Stout, Mike Holmes, Jerry Vaughn, and Applecross organizer Linda Bowers.

Additionally thank-you to all those who volunteered their time to make this event possible. These people include John Carbo, Mark Walsh, Barry Messner, Brian Kelley, Beau Crowding, and Belfor Staff. Our apologies if we missed your name.