Fire Prevention Tour is in Full Swing
By East Brandywine Fire Company
October 18, 2016

Over the course of the last week and a half East Brandywine Fire Company volunteers have been extraordinarily busy with fire prevention education. With one of the most robust fire prevention programs in the State, each year our team educates nearly 2,500 kids about the importance of fire safety.

This year’s theme as determined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is “Don't wait check the date. Replace smoke detectors every 10 years”.

To date East Brandywine Fire Company volunteers have conducted 8 assemblies at the following schools:

Brandywine Wallace Elementary School
Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School
Reeceville Elementary School
Friendship Elementary School

In addition to important information regarding smoke detectors the team also reviewed the following life saving topics:

Emergency phone number (911)

The Importance of not playing with Fire

Stop / Drop / Role

Friendly Fireman

Importance of Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Escape Planning – 2-ways out

Fire Extinguisher Use

This year in an effort to continually enhance our program the team showed 2 videos profiling the life saving work performed on a daily basis by volunteers. The addition of the videos were a huge hit prompting one teacher to say "they gave me chills down my spine watching them".

The Officers and Members of East Brandywine would like to thank the Elementary School's Leadership and Faculty for their continued commitment and collaboration to help educate their students about how to respond in the event of an emergency.